Overarching organisational structure

Professional management with clearly defined roles and responsibilities is the enabler for successful implementation of the sustainability strategy by Linde Material Handling. A new gouvernance structure controlled directly by the Management Board creates the necessary framework for this.

Roles and responsibilities

When the sustainability strategy was adopted, Linde Material Handling also implemented a clearly defined organisational structure (see figure). It is crucial for successfully anchoring sustainability within the Company.

This structure gives ultimate responsibility to the entire Management Board. The Sustainability Committee headed by Sabine Neuß, Chief Operating Officer, forms the central committee for preparation of strategic decisions. Along with another Member of the Management Board, the committee is made up of the heads of the individual sustainability fields of action, the regional coordinators and the head of sustainability management. The latter supports the work of the committee, coordinates all activities within the Company, and manages reporting and controlling. The Sustainability Office also acts as a motivator, developing and planning company-wide strategies and pilot projects on sustainability. The functions also include sustainability reporting, as well as networking and knowledge transfer between Linde and the KION Group. The operational units are responsible for implementation and target attainment of the measures defined in the sustainability programme. The individual projects are managed by the heads of the fields of action and in each case supported by the coordinators in the regions and areas.

Sustainability organisation: Control and coordination of our 
sustainability activities

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Sustainability organisation: Control and coordination of our sustainability activities (diagram)